Monday, November 8, 2010


it is finally here.
Free People for LITTLE GIRLS
a w e s o m e s a u c e!!!!

My little ma made her first purchases today,
these are what she chose:

the Boho Butterfly Dress-

the Teacake Tunic-

the New Wings Pocket Tee-

the Damsel in Distress Thermal-


She has a number of items "saved" or on her want list as well, including shoes:

All of the stuff she chose is adorable, some of it is just way too high, price-wise, for me anyway.
That adorable pink flowered cardigan? It's $138.00. She's 6, she's gonna get paint and marker and dirt
that $138.00 cardi. When I told her the price, she understood. She still really likes it alot but she's ok with not having it :)
Same thing for the $78.00 pink tutu skirt. There is just no way I'm spending $78.00 on a tutu for a kid. Seems insane.
The price-points in general are what I'd expect from Free People. The t-shirts and leggins are totally affordable, the tunics and dresses and sweaters and shoes are a bit more but not totally out of our sphere. I wouldn't have her wardrobe completely outfitted in Wee People gear, but we will definitely be buying several pieces each season.
She'll be a mini-me!!!!!!! Total gah-city!

I'm closing up this post with a few of the Wee People pieces that made it to MY fav list:

thank you, FP, for making re-blogging so darn easy with your *download image* button!


xoxo lovelies :)

1 comment:

Nicole Vangen said...

Love it all! If money wasn't a barrier, I'd have my little ones decked out in Free People. Love those clogs and boots.

Peace out, Nicole